Kenneth Susynski
76.2 x 55.9 cm
Anais Nin's “Delta of Venus” is a groundbreaking anthology of erotic short stories, in which she conjures up a glittering cascade of sexual encounters. Creating her own 'language of the senses', she explores an area that was previously the domain of male writers and brings to it her own unique perceptions. Her vibrant and impassioned prose evokes the essence of female sexuality in a world where only love has meaning.
One particularly striking line hit home for me and has stuck with me ever since - “she wanted to be burnt”. The notion of being within that state of fire that is all-consuming love and passion, lush and ripe fruit. Thus, I closed my eyes and the composition just jumped off the pencil without much conscious thought. Originally intended as a study for a canvas, this would up becoming the final work because after its completion, I knew that while creating this work I was in that fire.