Continuity : Encaustic Paintings by Karine swenson

At times, it is such a wonder the way life goes on. A loved one dies. You move to another place. Something unmoors you. The familiar becomes foreign, and yet the sun comes up, moves across the sky and sets once more. You might think everything will stop, but it doesn’t. You may feel like a different person, but you aren’t. You are the same person with more experience.

Painting is a metaphor. In the same way that one’s life can be altered drastically, familiar natural rhythms help us continue. Maybe it is the setting sun, the beat of your heart, the tick of a clock, or even the music you listen to, but something provides a structure that we can move in until we have found our footing once more. In the studio, we have new ideas, or old ideas seem no longer relevant. Life changes so much, why wouldn’t the paintings? But then, a brush loaded with color touches a surface and something familiar is found. Something that helps you reconnect to the present moment. A moment where your art is the same but you have more experience. It is a comfort. Brushstrokes weave together to form a new painting, just as moments weave together in the fabric of our existence to create our lives. There is perfection and joy, even as there is discomfort, pain or awkwardness. The mundane and the profound all exist in a work of art, just as they do in a life.

Is this beauty?